Sunday, March 22, 2009

Church Olympics 3-7-09

At Suzia's church they were having " The Olympics". We joined them and had a lot of fun. Besides Stefan and myself all the grandkids and Karen, Suzia's neighbors kids came along for the fun.

There was the walking on the beam, the log rollling, lobster walking, summersaulting, canoeing, throwing of the javelin, fishing and a lot more events that we took part in. Everybody received a Gold Medal for participation. Cookies and juice were served afterwards.

Gathering together before the Olympics.
Decorating our Banners.

Ela and Julia also decorate a banner.

Julia just finished doing the log roll.

Come on Buddy, you can walk this balance beam.

Come on Stevie, follow Ciocia, I will show you how to do it....
You see Ciocia, can still do a summersault, so can you.
Lobster walking in fun also.
Come on Maddie, do the log roll faster, we are almost done.
Maddie, you won the lobster walk, you are much faster than mommy.


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