Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ok I am finally home back to my own little bed. Surgery went fine all the things that needed coming out are out and all the things needed shoring up have been shored up. Well at least you all will know now that I can not have any more babies. Thank goodness for that,..... my grandaughter Ela is already 11 1/2.
How would that look if she had a ciocia or wujek younger than her?
I will hanging around the house for next 2 -3 weeks. No driving Doctor said, he also said a lot of other things no....... Oh you get the picture.
Did I loose weight with this surgery, Hell no. I thought they would have taken out an extra 50 lbs of stuff while they were inside. Oh well I will have to do it the old fashioned way, no eat and the other word exercise.


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