Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Recuperating for awhile 3-17-09

I will be out of touch for awhile. By the time you read this I will be having some surgery done today. I should be home by Thursday for sure. My cell phone will be turned on low, so I might not hear it if it rings. My house phone, my mom will be answering it for awhile also. Any other information needed you could call Suzia or Stefan or Stef.
So say a quick little prayer for my surgery to go OK, will ya?


Blogger Rich and Mary Fedorowicz said...

Sorry I missed your call (had the phone set on vibrate on the charger so I didn't hear it ring), but we're glad to hear you're back at the friendly, family confines of home. Get well soon! :)

3/18/2009 9:54 PM  

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