Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Bash at C.C.C. 2008

Suzia's church sponsors a Party every year. This year they did not include a spook house, but plenty of party games to enjoy. There were hot dogs and chips and plenty of ice cream to share. Goodies were given out at every game station. There was a pin the wart on the witch, pumpkin golfing, the scary professor, wrap the mummy and story time. As well as arts and crafts to decorate you Trick or Treat bags.
Julia was not here this year, as she was with her daddy up north at their cottage, doing work.

Mr Woody from Toy Story.
Maddie as Ariel, Stevie as the skeleton, Ela as the Cheerleader.

Let's try some Pumpkin Golfing, as Maddie watches on.

The three spookiest people there, or maybe not.

Both Stevie's getting a closer look at the story book.

Stevie getting a real life-size close up to the WITCH and putting her warts on her face.

Maddie adds another wart to the collection.

Lily staying close to Dziadzia, for fear of all the goblins and ghosts here tonight.


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