Wednesday, October 22, 2008

15 years ago today YOUR FIRST CAR?????

Yes it has been already 15 years ago that Suzia had a car in her name on Oct 22, 1993. An 88 Mercury Tracer that she purchased used at Bruno's place. She got to sign the title in her name. And today she is on car number???? Do cars really last that long? No she does not have that Tracer anymore.

Any stories about your FIRST CAR? ANYBODY?

My first car was a Chevy Malibu 1968. It was mint green in color, had 2 doors, and I got to drive it on weekends. To take my mom or went by my self grocery shopping at Goldblatts on Milwaukee ave. Any of you remember doing that? It was close to Eagle Jewelers, also a memory reminder. Who worked there? Milwaukee , Ashland and Division, the Polish Triangle.


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