Friday, October 17, 2008

What have I been busy with??? Oct 8-12, 2008


Let me catch you up with the things that I have done with the grandkids. Last week on Wednesday October 8 evening I spent the first of many nights at Suzia's house. Why? Because Suzia and Koy would be leaving to go up north to their cottage for a few days. Ela, Julia & Stevie would be in my/our care for a few days till they would return. So started the long long weekend of fun that we had.

On Wed. evening, kids were in bed when I got there. Thursday got them off to school and went to work myself. Returned had dinner with the kids and with Stefan. Spent the night there, Friday morning got the kids off to school again and went to work again also. Friday evening after school we went to my house for the night. During the day on Saturday Stefan and myself took the kids to our Maine Park District for a walk in the spooky prairies. Had fun in the playgroud, sat on swings etc. On Saturday evening, festival in my church at St. Paul more food and kids games and jumpee things.On Sunday during the day we went to a festival in Stef's neighborhood.Saw a puppet show, got temporary tattos for the kids ate lunch there and then more food in the parking lot. In the evening I took Ela, Julia & Stevie to Glenview for one of their annual WALKS for Light The Night walks. We got there around 5:30pm for all the festivities that are before the walk. Free food, crafts for the kids, face paintings, Lectures on the good all these WALKS make for people that have Leukemia and other blood diseases. The walk must have had at least 2,00 people there. This WALK around the lake was one of the longer ones that we participated in. We got back home to my house around 9:30PM. Ela, Julia & Stevie spent the night here because there were no classes on Monday, Columbus Day. Monday morning Suzia met me at the eye doctors office for Stevies annual exam for school. I then drove the kids back home around noon timme. Got home in time to do some errands and make dinner. So ended our babysitting for Ela, Julia & Stevie for 5 nights. Looking forward to enjoying time again with our grandkids soon.


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