Sunday, October 19, 2008

TRIPLE Birthday Party at Karen & Stef's house

Doesn't this look like Stefan in his younger days?
Maddie trying on her Birthday Coat.
Stevie getting a ggod look at his gifts, with Lily and Sydney right next to him.

Auntie Susan and Uncle Ben from Wisconsin with Stevie.
One of the Pinatas that were had to be broken. Miss Lily need a leg up to hit it.
Miss Ashley will get her turn in just a minute.
Julia does not want to give up the bat.
Pinata No. 2, and Sydneys turn to try to crack it open.
Pan Maca, Stevie takes a good whack at the monkey, with a lift from mommy, Karen.
Looking through the mesh into the jumpee pit.
Karen's mom and her sister Nancy and family members.
Two mother in laws.
Holding a candle for each of the grandkids, Karen for Stevie, Dee for Maddie, Daniella for Lily. Ah one and and a two and ah three now blooooow.

My favorite daughter in law, Karen.
The night got pretty cold as Diane tried in vain to keep warm. See all those blankets did come in handy in the garage.
Miss Julia tried out the mummy costume to see if it fits her.
Diane & Daniella in the jumping pit.

October 18, 2008 Karen & Stef had a Birthday party planned for all three of their children. Maddie will be five on Oct 22, Stevie turned three in August 9, 2008 and Lily will be 2 on December 4, 2008.

They did a terrific job decorating the house, the garage, the basement and the outside. Stef even had made a kids size spook house that was painted dark colors and had scary stuff inside. The garage was all in black and black lighting. There was a huge craft table for all the kids to make things. There was a huge jumpee blow up house on their driveway. All the kids were inside there jumping and I mean all the KIDS . What I am a kid as is Diane and Suzia and Karen & Stef. We all made it inside the jumping house. Had a ball. Even when the sun set it was great to get inside and jump by the light of the blacklights only and the moonlight.

Most of the people there were from Karens family and her friends from work. Most of Stef's side of family and friends had made other plans already for that day. But all in all it was a terrific party for those that DID attend. The food was a nice assortment of cultures and tastes.


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