Friday, October 31, 2008


Wishing you a spooky day to celebrate this Halloween with your ghosts and goblins.

Happy BOOO Birthday to you Krystyna 2008

Sto Lat to you in Arizona, Happy 25th Birthday today on Halloween day. Oct 31, 2008.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

30, Pazdziernik 2008 STO LAT

Sto Lat Staszek. Happy Birthday to you. Are you & Jadzia going to celebrate this year?

Happy 4th Anniversary to you Renee & Justin 2008

Have a wonderful day together in Wisconsin. Will we see you soon in the Chicago area? Hi to you all, love you.

Happy 5th Birthday Angelica 10-30-08

Sto Lat to you. Babcia making a party or just the pierogi? Happy Birthday to you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hi Joyce Happy Birthday to you 2008

Hope that this year will be a BIG one for you. STO LAT to you. Enjoy our day. Happy ???? year, already???

Happy Birthday Susie M. (nee K.) 2008

Sto Lat to you, have a really happy day today. How is your little guy Jacob?

Happy Birthday Michelley G. in Elk Grove 2008

Sto Lat to you and a very Happy Birthday to you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Bash at C.C.C. 2008

Suzia's church sponsors a Party every year. This year they did not include a spook house, but plenty of party games to enjoy. There were hot dogs and chips and plenty of ice cream to share. Goodies were given out at every game station. There was a pin the wart on the witch, pumpkin golfing, the scary professor, wrap the mummy and story time. As well as arts and crafts to decorate you Trick or Treat bags.
Julia was not here this year, as she was with her daddy up north at their cottage, doing work.

Mr Woody from Toy Story.
Maddie as Ariel, Stevie as the skeleton, Ela as the Cheerleader.

Let's try some Pumpkin Golfing, as Maddie watches on.

The three spookiest people there, or maybe not.

Both Stevie's getting a closer look at the story book.

Stevie getting a real life-size close up to the WITCH and putting her warts on her face.

Maddie adds another wart to the collection.

Lily staying close to Dziadzia, for fear of all the goblins and ghosts here tonight.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008, Maddies is 5 Five Five 5 Five PIXS

Hey Maddie, what did you get???? Can I see, please????

Mommy & Daddy & Maddie

Maddie is thinking now that I am 5, hmmmmmmm......

Maddie is having her real birthday today and she turned FIVE. What a happy time to be a kid. I do not know where the time has gone. She had so much fun at the party that she crashed as soon as her head hit the pillow. STO LAT to our favorite grandchild named Maddie. !!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you Maddie. My cie kochamy mocno.

15 years ago today YOUR FIRST CAR?????

Yes it has been already 15 years ago that Suzia had a car in her name on Oct 22, 1993. An 88 Mercury Tracer that she purchased used at Bruno's place. She got to sign the title in her name. And today she is on car number???? Do cars really last that long? No she does not have that Tracer anymore.

Any stories about your FIRST CAR? ANYBODY?

My first car was a Chevy Malibu 1968. It was mint green in color, had 2 doors, and I got to drive it on weekends. To take my mom or went by my self grocery shopping at Goldblatts on Milwaukee ave. Any of you remember doing that? It was close to Eagle Jewelers, also a memory reminder. Who worked there? Milwaukee , Ashland and Division, the Polish Triangle.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Good bye Honda Motorcycle 10-21-08 PICTURE

Yes siree Stefan has sold his other motorcycle. Now he only has the RED one his HARLEY. So I get to park back in the garage. I took second place to his motorcycles ( I think). Ha ha only kidding. Of course I am in first place, I get to sleep in the house not in the garage as his motorcyles do. Of course Stefan would park his Harley next to his side of the bed if he could get it up the stairs. NO he does not NEED any help from any of you to do that. I forbid it.
Well, got to go and clean up. Gave the kids , Maddie, Stevie & Lily a bath before bed time. We had oranges and apples for a snack and they were messy. Steve & Karen are at Billiards (Pool). They will come and get the kids before long tonight..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

TRIPLE Birthday Party at Karen & Stef's house

Doesn't this look like Stefan in his younger days?
Maddie trying on her Birthday Coat.
Stevie getting a ggod look at his gifts, with Lily and Sydney right next to him.

Auntie Susan and Uncle Ben from Wisconsin with Stevie.
One of the Pinatas that were had to be broken. Miss Lily need a leg up to hit it.
Miss Ashley will get her turn in just a minute.
Julia does not want to give up the bat.
Pinata No. 2, and Sydneys turn to try to crack it open.
Pan Maca, Stevie takes a good whack at the monkey, with a lift from mommy, Karen.
Looking through the mesh into the jumpee pit.
Karen's mom and her sister Nancy and family members.
Two mother in laws.
Holding a candle for each of the grandkids, Karen for Stevie, Dee for Maddie, Daniella for Lily. Ah one and and a two and ah three now blooooow.

My favorite daughter in law, Karen.
The night got pretty cold as Diane tried in vain to keep warm. See all those blankets did come in handy in the garage.
Miss Julia tried out the mummy costume to see if it fits her.
Diane & Daniella in the jumping pit.

October 18, 2008 Karen & Stef had a Birthday party planned for all three of their children. Maddie will be five on Oct 22, Stevie turned three in August 9, 2008 and Lily will be 2 on December 4, 2008.

They did a terrific job decorating the house, the garage, the basement and the outside. Stef even had made a kids size spook house that was painted dark colors and had scary stuff inside. The garage was all in black and black lighting. There was a huge craft table for all the kids to make things. There was a huge jumpee blow up house on their driveway. All the kids were inside there jumping and I mean all the KIDS . What I am a kid as is Diane and Suzia and Karen & Stef. We all made it inside the jumping house. Had a ball. Even when the sun set it was great to get inside and jump by the light of the blacklights only and the moonlight.

Most of the people there were from Karens family and her friends from work. Most of Stef's side of family and friends had made other plans already for that day. But all in all it was a terrific party for those that DID attend. The food was a nice assortment of cultures and tastes.

Friday, October 17, 2008

ZZTOPS Concert Oct 16, 2008

Karen & Stef went to a concert this evening to see ZZ Tops and Brooks & Dunne. They had gotten tickets from a promotion long time ago. Finally got to go and have an evening to themselves. Maddie, Stevie & Lily spent the night at our house. Karen picked them up in the morning before I left for work.

What have I been busy with??? Oct 8-12, 2008


Let me catch you up with the things that I have done with the grandkids. Last week on Wednesday October 8 evening I spent the first of many nights at Suzia's house. Why? Because Suzia and Koy would be leaving to go up north to their cottage for a few days. Ela, Julia & Stevie would be in my/our care for a few days till they would return. So started the long long weekend of fun that we had.

On Wed. evening, kids were in bed when I got there. Thursday got them off to school and went to work myself. Returned had dinner with the kids and with Stefan. Spent the night there, Friday morning got the kids off to school again and went to work again also. Friday evening after school we went to my house for the night. During the day on Saturday Stefan and myself took the kids to our Maine Park District for a walk in the spooky prairies. Had fun in the playgroud, sat on swings etc. On Saturday evening, festival in my church at St. Paul more food and kids games and jumpee things.On Sunday during the day we went to a festival in Stef's neighborhood.Saw a puppet show, got temporary tattos for the kids ate lunch there and then more food in the parking lot. In the evening I took Ela, Julia & Stevie to Glenview for one of their annual WALKS for Light The Night walks. We got there around 5:30pm for all the festivities that are before the walk. Free food, crafts for the kids, face paintings, Lectures on the good all these WALKS make for people that have Leukemia and other blood diseases. The walk must have had at least 2,00 people there. This WALK around the lake was one of the longer ones that we participated in. We got back home to my house around 9:30PM. Ela, Julia & Stevie spent the night here because there were no classes on Monday, Columbus Day. Monday morning Suzia met me at the eye doctors office for Stevies annual exam for school. I then drove the kids back home around noon timme. Got home in time to do some errands and make dinner. So ended our babysitting for Ela, Julia & Stevie for 5 nights. Looking forward to enjoying time again with our grandkids soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day of check-ups for Daniel

Today I left the house in the morning around 7:45 am. Got to Daniels around 8:15 and took him for his 6week check-up to Loyola to see his surgeon. After that half-day there we went on to Illinois Masonic to be seen by his re-hab doctor. Then to conclude the day he had an appointment at Lutheran Genral for his one of three rehab appointmetns a week. The day finally ended for me when I got home at 7pm. Ordered pizza for me & Stefan. Good night.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hallie F. will be 7 October 15th.

A 7th Birthday celebration is on tap for Hallie on Oct 15th, 2008, in Algonquin. Happy Birthday to you and Sto wishes also.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mrs. K. Amy Happy Birthday to you 10-12-08

Wishing you a very Happy 30th Birthday. Have a fun celebration doing your birthdays together. STO LAT to you. Glad to know you are back in MY/OUR neighborhood.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Leonardo 10-09-08

Sto Lat to you. Hope that your mom Kasia is going to help you celebrate it with a big party this weekend. Happy Birthday to you.

Happy 37th Anniversary Stas Joyce 10-09-08

Wishing you a very Happy 37th Anniversary. Are you guys in town this year to celebrate it??? How was Mackinac Island?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Cleaning up the LEAVES Oct 6, 2008

Maddie, Stevie and Lily spent the night from Sunday to Monday. We had a lot of fun trying to clean up Babcia's driveway from the leaves that gathered already. Wearing goggles is a safety feature and also a lot of fun. Especially since we got to hold the blower and BLOW the leaves around on the driveway.

Happy Anniversary Barbie & Kenny 10-08-08

Ha, ha, yes we know a Barbie & Kenny and they are celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary today on Oct 8, 2008 Sto Lat to you. Many, many more years are wished for your happiness together.

FLU SHOTS Oct 8 08

Hey have you had your FLU SHOTS???? What are you waiting for? I had mine as did Stefan. No ill effects from it yet. Only a little sore arm in the evening of the shot day. Take care and stay HEALTHY.

WHAT, Stefan does those things???

And you probably believe in Santa Claus also. What you believe everything you read??? Just keeping you on your toes, I was wondering WHO reads this blogger?
I have heard from some of you already about things in here that you read.

Just wondering who else will catch my joke on Stefan.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Stefan went to Bingo again 10-06-08

Just thought you might enjoy knowing what Stefan has been up to lately.
As usual he went to play Bingo with his friends George, Ziggy and Charlie. He has been doing this for quite a while now. He enjoys knitting also. I have a large Angora sweater he made just for me. You should see the cross-stiched tablecloth he has made for our Dining Room .
Ooops I thought I had pictures of him doing these things, but I must have deleted them before I downloaded them for you to see. So you see you just have to take my word for it.

Kasia (S) V. Happy Birthday to you 10-06-08

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday as you celebrate it with your BOYS. Say Hi to Mile from us. Sto Lat.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Diana B. Sto Lat 10-02-08

Happy Birthday and Sto Lat to you.

Hi Stas, Happy Birthday to you

October 2, 2008 Stas J. is celebrating his 65th birthday. How does that grab you, that number? Are we THAT old or near it?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Daniel is HOME Oct 1, 2008

I went to pick up Daniel today as he was being discharged from Ill Masonic Hospital. He has been away from his home for over a month today. He said it was good to be at home . He was home all of maybe 3 hours and then we had an appointment at Lutheran General Hosp at Rehab Center. He will be going there 2-3 times a week for re-hab. I will be driving him most of his visits. There are 2 scheduled that I will not be able to make and his friend that lives in his house will be able to take him for his appointments. He is using crutches and a wheelchair to get around his home. My mother and myself got the house prepared with all the things that will be needed for his comfort at home. The high commode, the walkers, removed all the rugs from his walking areas, moved table and chairs so as that he may use his wheelchair to get around. Put double cushions on couches and chairs for him to be able to sit down and not have trouble getting up from a low chair. Made charts for his medications and what time to take them. He had lost over 15 pounds. He said that he will try to regain that weight, because he does not want to be that skinny. By the looks of my mom she is also glad to have him at home now and no more in the hospital.

P.S. A BIG note of THANKS to all friends and family that said that little extra prayer for him, I see that it has helped. Prayers DO help, and Daniel appreciated each and every one of them. He also said to give THANKS for all the emails and regular mail that he had received during this time in the hospitals.