Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Daniel is HOME Oct 1, 2008

I went to pick up Daniel today as he was being discharged from Ill Masonic Hospital. He has been away from his home for over a month today. He said it was good to be at home . He was home all of maybe 3 hours and then we had an appointment at Lutheran General Hosp at Rehab Center. He will be going there 2-3 times a week for re-hab. I will be driving him most of his visits. There are 2 scheduled that I will not be able to make and his friend that lives in his house will be able to take him for his appointments. He is using crutches and a wheelchair to get around his home. My mother and myself got the house prepared with all the things that will be needed for his comfort at home. The high commode, the walkers, removed all the rugs from his walking areas, moved table and chairs so as that he may use his wheelchair to get around. Put double cushions on couches and chairs for him to be able to sit down and not have trouble getting up from a low chair. Made charts for his medications and what time to take them. He had lost over 15 pounds. He said that he will try to regain that weight, because he does not want to be that skinny. By the looks of my mom she is also glad to have him at home now and no more in the hospital.

P.S. A BIG note of THANKS to all friends and family that said that little extra prayer for him, I see that it has helped. Prayers DO help, and Daniel appreciated each and every one of them. He also said to give THANKS for all the emails and regular mail that he had received during this time in the hospitals.


Blogger Rich and Mary Fedorowicz said...

Glad to see Daniel up and around. We pray for a quick full recovery, elimination of the crutches and wheelchairs, and back on the 2 wheels he enjoys most.

Mary and Rich

10/02/2008 6:21 PM  

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