Monday, April 13, 2009


Dziadzia capturing the moments.
A moment for daddy and Maddie.

All six of our Grandkids and their LOOT.

Look what we found. Little Stevie M. had to use two baskets for all his finds.

I think I can see one inside here.

Koy is taking a peek inside the woodbarrel,...Nope none in there.

Where else can I look?

I've found all these already.

Karen is letting out Stevie and Lily first.

Lily found her first egg.
Hey Lily, I think there are some here.

Hey Ela, you missed this one in the tree right here.

I see one over there, it is mine.

Under the bushes, I got this one.

I think I see one hiding over there.

Babcia capturing another view of this day.

I have a half full basket already.

Let's see what I got in this egg.

Now we have to see what is inside each one.

This one had money inside also.

Wujek Koy, can you help me open these eggs.???

Iv'e gotten a few of candy eggs and a lot of pennies so far.

Did you count how many eggs you found Maddie? I found.....

Having fun, finding all the eggs that were hidden by the Easter Bunny. Hey!... how many are there to be found????? Babcia said it was 250. Is that right???? Okay,... let's get going and find them all.

Well the winner in egg finding was little Stevie M. He found the most .


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