Friday, April 10, 2009

Coloring the Eggs 4-10-09 GOOD FRIDAY

On Good Friday, Suzia and her 3 kids came over as well as Karen and Steve and their 3 kids. We set up the tables with the coloring "Stuff". We went thru 4 -5 dozen of egss. After coloring 3 dozen we went outside for a break. The weather was very cold outside, so Babcia took out some hats and coats for the kids.

We returned to coloring and then we had Potato Pancakes, of course, what else would you eat on Good Friday?
After finishing the egg coloring, Ela and Maddie gave us a Fashion Show of dresses in Babcia closet, of course.

Playing outside in the cold.
Ciocia Teresa came by for a visit.

By evening time, Maddie was all pooped out for the activities.

Fashion Show, Maddie.

How do you like this dress?

I think I am a little bit shy, first.

Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Is this pose good?

Side by side, two ladies.

One of three the frying pans used to make the potato pancakes.

Okay, what do you eat yours with??? Apple sauce, sour cream, sugar, ketchup?

I think I am bundled up pretty well.
Whose hat is cuter, Lily's or Karen's?
Wujek Heniek and Steve.
Just a quick bite of this bun before we go outside.
Coloring the eggs.

Hey mom, this is the one I did.
You want to see this color?

My masterpiece.

I like circles on my egg.

Please do not disturb me, I am working hard.

Okay, let's get started.

Concentrating on the decorating of eggs.

I think it is ready, the color I wanted.

The table is set to go and color.

Okay the order of pictures is reversed, but you get the pictures...Right???


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