Friday, April 03, 2009

BOWLING with the grandkids Thurs April 2, 2009

I had some coupons for free games of bowling, so Karen and the kids and Suzia and her kids came along. We had a good time. They even had bowling shoes for Lily and little Stevie. They only "bowled" a total of maybe 3/4 of a game. The rest of the games were filled in by the other kids. "Hey you take a turn on this lane, now you take a turn on that lane." You know I did not bowl, I just watched and took pictures.

Then we went out for lunch at the nearest McDonald Playland. After this fun morning and afternoon, Suzia drove me for my doctor's appointment. Karen went home with her three little guys. He gave me the OK to resume driving. Only half an hour each way for now. So you know what that means...... I am FREE to go anywhere, ok within a half an hours drive from home.


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