Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Homer Glen has a special person 3-31-09

Living in Homer Glen is my special friend Basia P. STO LAT to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY on this your 35th (?) Okay so I am typing too fast......

Special Wishes to DANA C. in Seattle 3-31-09

STO LAT Pani. Have a terrific celebration of this Brithday. I know that Lynn 's surprises really surprise you and make you very happy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The FLU has hit Stef's house 3-25- etc.

As of last week Wednesday, Lily got the FLU then by weeks end Maddie and little Stevie also got it. Karen and kids picked up Stef from the airport on Friday evening. On Saturday all were feeling just comfy loungn around the house. Karen's plans were to go to St. Louis, but the FLU changed those real quick. The weekend was spent at home.

Friday, March 27, 2009

It was a Big Day 3-27-04

Happy 5th Anniversary to Amy & Matt. Sto Lat and Happy another year together. How is little Madalynn doing?

Robert G. in Chicago, STO LAT 3-27-09

Have a great 42nd Birthday, Sto Lat Robert on you Birthday. Say Hi to Mama Regina from us also.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kristen, Happy Birthday 3-25-09

Have a great Birthday celebration in Florida on your Birthday today. Have fun at your Wedding Shower on Sunday also. Congratulations to you both.

3-25-09 STO LAT Perry

Have a fun Birthday today, Perry. Happy 15th Birthday to you. So what did you get special from Babcia & Dziadzia?

Monday, March 23, 2009

STO LAT & Happy Anniversary Danek & Marysia 3-23-09

We wish you a very Happy 6th Anniversary to you both. We are so glad that you decided to get together and make life happier for both of you. STO LAT.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Church Olympics 3-7-09

At Suzia's church they were having " The Olympics". We joined them and had a lot of fun. Besides Stefan and myself all the grandkids and Karen, Suzia's neighbors kids came along for the fun.

There was the walking on the beam, the log rollling, lobster walking, summersaulting, canoeing, throwing of the javelin, fishing and a lot more events that we took part in. Everybody received a Gold Medal for participation. Cookies and juice were served afterwards.

Gathering together before the Olympics.
Decorating our Banners.

Ela and Julia also decorate a banner.

Julia just finished doing the log roll.

Come on Buddy, you can walk this balance beam.

Come on Stevie, follow Ciocia, I will show you how to do it....
You see Ciocia, can still do a summersault, so can you.
Lobster walking in fun also.
Come on Maddie, do the log roll faster, we are almost done.
Maddie, you won the lobster walk, you are much faster than mommy.

My mama, helping me around the house 3-19 & 3-20

My mom came over on Thursday morning and stayed till late on Friday afternoon. She was a great big help as Stefan had some urgent issues at work to take care of this week. My mom made sure that I ate and slept a lot. She checked up on me every hour, just like they did in the hospital. Reminding me to take my meds and eat.
She took out our garbage cans, and then took them back and also my neighbors, Basia's cans. It was quite windy on Friday and she always has her head covered for fear of catching anything outside, like an earache etc...

MAMA Thank you for your help. I love you. Kocham cie mocno. Dzienkuje.

Having Lunch and then fun at the park on SUNDAY 3-22-09

Stef came over with Maddie, Stevie and Lily. I have not seen them for over 10 days. I was so glad to be able to spend some time with them today. It made my day pleasant and go by faster. We had lunch at home and then we took a quick drive to the school playground area.

Got to wait your turn Lily.
Okay what letter do we find next, Babcia?

Daddy, make it come to me, please.........

Hey, I made it to the top.

You see Maddie, this is how you do it on here.

Riding down the "butt" slide.

Lily giving her Princess a push on the swing.

Maddie trying out her skills this year on the monkey bars.

Okay, Babcia, cheese.

A little bench rest before going on home.

I can walk around, as long as I do not do stairs too often in a day, the doctor said. But I could come down and go up once or twice a day.
Need to do some exercise to move those "things" inside, and get them to move into position correctly.
Feeling great, doing wonderful. Seeing grandkids,.......... terrific medicine also.

More visitors Saturday evening-THANKS 3-21-09

THANK YOU for the phone calls, cards and flowers and the WELL WISHES from you all.

On March 21, Saturday evening, Halina, Andy, Richie & Mary came by with some pie to share with us, along with flowers and cards. They had gone out to dinner and then stopped over to visit. We had a nice chat for about 2 hours. It is nice to know that friends come to stop by my house, when I can not go out to stop by their house. I will not be driving for another week or ten days at least. But I do go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we had on Saturday all day and then this Sunday morning.
On Sunday morning Stefan has gone motorcycling with friends, to Lake Geneva. Yes, I am capable of taking care of myself. After all, all I DO is sleep. Who needs help in doing that?
Stef and Maddie, Stevie and Lily willl drop by for a quick lunch to share with me and then they go back home. Karen is working weekends, so the babysitiing on their end is taken care of for now. Suzia's Ela, Julia & Stevie are taken care of in shifts by Koy & Suzia also till I get better. They had a rough week with sore throats and streps , I hope they are all over it by now.

Boy do I have grandchildren withdrawal already.......... I will be so glad to see Stef and MSL.

Happy Anniversary Waldek & Halina 3-22-09

Happy 21st Anniversary to you Halina & Waldek in Arlington Heights. STO LAT.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cabin Fever 3-21-09

It has not come to that yet, but I think I am already getting ansty staying at home. I know there ARE things I can do around the house. For now I am enjoying the lounging around in bed, out of bed. Making my meals, well that is another story. But I am managing to stay alive. I do eat well. I am not starving. So Iif you have a minute give me a call or send me some jokes to take my mind of off staying at home.
Take care of yourselves and enjoy your health. It IS the most important thing you can own.

Our Niece Janette STO LAT 3-21-09

Happy Birthday to you, Janette. ( Stefan's god daughter in Florida.)
STO LAT to you. We hope that you are able to celebrate your birthday. How is the walking coming along? Is re-hab an option for you, with Payton around?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Visitors on Friday

Diane came over on Friday with a salad from Graziano's restaurant and then joined Stefan and myself for Pizza from JD Kadds. That was nice to have a visitor already.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ok I am finally home back to my own little bed. Surgery went fine all the things that needed coming out are out and all the things needed shoring up have been shored up. Well at least you all will know now that I can not have any more babies. Thank goodness for that,..... my grandaughter Ela is already 11 1/2.
How would that look if she had a ciocia or wujek younger than her?
I will hanging around the house for next 2 -3 weeks. No driving Doctor said, he also said a lot of other things no....... Oh you get the picture.
Did I loose weight with this surgery, Hell no. I thought they would have taken out an extra 50 lbs of stuff while they were inside. Oh well I will have to do it the old fashioned way, no eat and the other word exercise.

Happy Birthday to Tadzio 3-19-09

Happy Birthday on this St. Josephs Day also your middle name. STO LAT to you Tadzio.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Recuperating for awhile 3-17-09

I will be out of touch for awhile. By the time you read this I will be having some surgery done today. I should be home by Thursday for sure. My cell phone will be turned on low, so I might not hear it if it rings. My house phone, my mom will be answering it for awhile also. Any other information needed you could call Suzia or Stefan or Stef.
So say a quick little prayer for my surgery to go OK, will ya?

Happy St. Patricks Day 3-17-09

Hope that every one is enjoying their St. Paddy's Day. Be sure to have something green to eat today.
Does a jelly bean count?

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Dear Halina, STO LAT March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to you. Celebrate even if you don't feel like it today. Tomorrow will be better and you will find a job.

March 16, 2009 Sydney

Have a Happy Birthday Sydney. Happy 3rd Birthday to you. Sydney is Karen's niece.

Teddy Happy 67th Birthday

STO LAT to you in Key Biscayne. Hope you are having the time of your life on this your 67th Birthday. Say HI to Basia.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update as of 3-15-09 on our friend Michael in Colorado

He is on Chemo now for the Wills Tumor that was found. He had his kidney removed. He is 2 1/2 years old only. My friend Genia will be flying out to see her grandson at the end of March till Easter. You can read updates on Michael on the link: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelmider

Diane & Bruno visitng Hawaii 3-13-09

Diane and Bruno flew to Hawaii the Big Island for a few days of R & R. They will be back on Wednesday. They are relaxing and enjoyng the sights. I am sure she will fill us in on the details when they come home.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy 25th Birthday Peter March 14, 2009

Hi Peter, Happy Birthday to you in Indian Head Park. Have a terrific birthday celebration.

Friday, March 13, 2009

STO LAT Kasia, L. S. March 13, 2009

We wish you a very Happy Birthday. Make sure you share some cake with Leonardo also. Say Hi to Shawn.

Sto Lat Pani Kwiatkowska March 13, 2009

Wszystkiego najlepszego dzisiaj w dniu urodzin dla Pani. Happy 86 th Birthday. Jak tam zdrowie Pani? Thanks Jadzia for the updates on your mom.

Kevin, Happy Birthday to you

Kevin is Karen's nephew, so we wish him a very Happy Birthday today on March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey Rosie in Florida, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to you on this BIG ONE. Are we retired yet or not? Do you feel as old as we know we are but think we are not????

Happy Anniversry to Diana & Michal

Happy 43 rd Anniversary to you two on March 12, 2009. Hoping that you are celebrating out with a nite on the town. STO LAT to you.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Basia in Florida STO LAT

To my sister Basia in Florida, Key Biscayne we wish you a very Happy Birthday on March 4, 2009, and Sto Lat. Take care of yourself and your health. See you soon.

Monday, March 02, 2009

More Kalahari Pictures

The inner tubes were used to go into the tunnels and slides galore. Playing cards to stay out of the water and take a quick rest is what Suzia, Koy & Stevie did.

Kalahari Feb 2009 Us 12

We had such a wonderful time. We plan on going there again sometime. It was nice to be in warm surroundings when the outside was cold and windy. Just the perfect get- away for a day or two.

There is plenty to do for all ages. The inside amusement park area has mini golf, climbing walls, rope bridges, go carts, pinballs machines, arcade machines, ski-ball, bowling, playarea jungle gym, carousel and food galore to choose from also.
We had brought sandwiches to eat on the first day so we could get into the water park right away and not waste time getting food.
I brought along plenty of fruit to share also, which I made sure they each got a piece of while playing around.
If you want any more info, call me I got some good tips if you go......

President's Day BOWLING Feb 2009

We went to a Bowlathon that was being held by my friend Debbie and Joe in honor of their son Joey. We had a grand ole' time and the kids had a lot of fun. We enjoyed seeing them trying to throw that big ball, even though they had six pounders there for them. All the kids, Ela, Julia, Stevie, Maddie, Stevie, Lily and Ashley had fun bowling. As did Suzia and Tammy and myself.
