Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday, Sci-Tech Museum in Aurora

Of course on Wednesday I worked, then on Thursday I watched MSL all day. We went shopping during the snowfall. Maddie commented that I had all white hair from the snow on my head. We finished shopping for groceries to make dinner and then we went to the mall to walk around. After a few hours we headed back home and made dinner.

FRIDAY: We went to the Sci-Tech Museum in Aurora. It is a hands on museum converted from an old Post Office in Aurora. Suzia and myself and Ela, Julia & Stevie went to this museum. We spent about 3-4 hours inside. We turned cranks, pulled levers, pushed buttons, looked inside peep-holes, banged on instruments, see how static electricity works, how tornadoes are formed, instruments inside, how speakers work for sound, etc.... Wow!!!! there was a ton of things to keep the kids occupied and interested to see how this works and how that works. A very good place for kids over 5 years old I would say.

Babcia gets some hands training on this exhibit.
SO this is how Dorothy felt inside that tornado in Oz.

This is a neat game to play, it is TIC TAC TOE with a reflection mirror in front of you. You see your piece and the other piece with a reflection. It sure boggles your mind to think in reverse.
WHAT YOU LOOKING AT? Did you get a laugh from this picture? GOOD.. laughing is good for the soul.
This breeze feels good.
Ela gets covered in a bubble.

Ela gets eaten by a monster.


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