Friday, February 22, 2008

Babcia Hela's Party

Well what I had planned on doing and what actually did happen .... are 2 different things. You can not say who will be healthy and who will be sick....

On the thursday of Babcia Hela's Birthday, I was babysitting my usual Thursday at Steve and Karens house. But all 3 children and my son Steve were sick with the FLU. Needless to say that as Suzia's house Stevie was also hit with the flu bug. Suzia had it on Valentines day. Koy had the tickle in his throat. The girls Ela and Julia missed the "bug" boat.

Karen did not get the flu either. SOOOOOOO that meant that on Thursday the plan was to have Babcia Hela at my house with her granchildren. We, meaning Stefan, Daniella, Diane, Bruno and Bogdan spent the evening with mom and mother in law only. We had a delicous pizza and then a cake from Bakers Square. So STO LAT MAMA from us all.


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