Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Did you see LUNAR ECLIPSE???

It is Wednesday evening in the Chicago area, and YES I am watching, on and off the Lunar Eclipse. As of right now, I do not see that much of a blockage of the moon. But I will be watching very intently. (Ha Ha) Don't I have anything else to do more important????

Reprint from the news section about ECLIPSES, thought you might find interesting.

Wednesday's event will be the last total lunar eclipse until Dec. 20, 2010. Last year there were two.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon passes into Earth's shadow and is blocked from the sun's rays that normally illuminate it. During an eclipse, the sun, Earth and moon line up, leaving a darkened moon visible to observers on the night side of the planet.

The moon does not go black because indirect sunlight still reaches it after passing through the Earth's atmosphere. Since the atmosphere filters out blue light, the indirect light that reaches the moon transforms it into a reddish or orange tinge, depending on how much dust and cloud cover are in the atmosphere at the time.

Such an event was seen on Aug. 28, 2007, during which moon's surface darkened as the earth's shadow moved across it to create a partial eclipse and then total eclipse.

Unlike solar eclipses which require protective eyewear, lunar eclipses are safe to view with the naked eye.

Later this year, in August, there will be a total solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse.


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