Wednesday, February 20, 2008

RESULTS Re:Stefan's Bone Biopsy Feb 19, 2008

On Tuesday Stefan had his bone biopsy done in the morning. I went with him to the hospital for the procedure. I received the results on Wednesday afternoon. They are all good, his WBC white blood count as of Tuesday was 7.3 range between 3.5 and 10.5, his RBC red blood count was 3.84 range of 4.20 and 5.80,his platelets are at 129. Range 140 to 390......Yahooooo. Finally way up over 100, he was around 100, 102, 103 for the longest time. The next scheduled appointment should be in 3 months, but Dr. Olga said we could possible move it to 6 months. That would make the next appointment at the end of August. So for now, Thanks for checking in and saying those prayers for him. I know they do not go unanswered by you know WHOM..... Take care of yourself and stay healthy. That is the most precious gift that you can have for yourself.


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