Friday, June 24, 2011

Well we got our power BACK on Finally 6-23,2011 7- PM

On Tuesday evening it started getting dark and gloomy and very windy. By 9PM the wind gusts were at 80 mph (we found that out later). Our park swing outdoor benches were turned over and flopped around on our driveway. Stefan had said let's go to the basement, THIS was powerful We did and then came back upstairs to find those benches moved around. The many branches on our driveway were all over. As we looked around, the air smelled smokey. Looked around and found out that a few power lines around the traintracks by our house were down. We took a walk to "see". Those power lines were sparking so bright as if the sun was shining down on the brightest day ever.
Our power was out till Thursday evening till 8pm. To be without power is weird. You depend so much on that power that you can't do THIS or you can't do THAT. Mostly the food in the fridge and our sump pump had us worried. I had bought a few bags of ice to put in the fridge to keep it cold in there. By Wednesday our neighbors Basia and Pete had "found" a generator to buy and use. They let us use one outlet for our sump pump and fridge. You would think that with no power I would get to bed earlier??? No way, I was up every hour just checking on the sump pump anyways. It would drizzle on and off and then it did rain during the day on Wednesday and Thursday also. I was watching Maddie, Stevie and Lily and also had Julia and Stevie on Thursday to be with me. The weather channels did finally report that there was a Tornado F-1 in our neighborhood that touched down. Down the block from us a huge tree did get uprooted and it leaned against their house. Many, many branches and limbs were on the ground. On Thursday the temps dropped down to the low 70's. Thank goodness it was not hot.


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