Saturday, June 18, 2011

North ave Beach Friday June 17, 2011 AND ETC. ....

I went with Ela, Julia and Stevie to North ave Beach and then we stopped for awhile at the Lincoln Park Zoo. The beach did not look the same as when I was a teen, but times change. The boathouse is still there with many new additions around it. There were quiet a few volleyball courts set up, there is an upper deck restaurant on the boathouse. You can rent bicycles, deck chairs, umbrellas and towels for a fee of course. The bridge for the underpass is still there across Lakeshore Drive. Remember going over it after you took the North ave bus and then the underpass? My mom would always like to sit by a tree with shade as we ran to the water and back many times. She would have drinks and snacks and sandwiches for us. She would have dragged and carried all this on the BUS from home. Imagine doing that today. I know there are people that still do it, but.....

After we got back home from our excursion down memory lane......I made dinner at Suzia's house while Koy was cutting his grass. Got dinner started then Suzia got home from work. I left the "keep an eye on this cooking" for her and went to get Maddie, Stevie and Lily to join us for dinner. Since Karen and Stef were working they were at their Grandma Dee's house for the daytime. Stefan came there after work. (Stef and Karen had a Billiards Tournament that evening at 7pm in Darien.) After dinner cleanup we went to watch Julia's softball game ( not baseball, I was told). Evening was long and warm, I left to go back to my house with Maddie, Stevie and Lily. Got them into the tub and Pj and in bed by 9:30PM. They were spending the night and would be picked up in morning by Karen.

Just a note ....It is so nice when we get to see all the kids and grandkids on the same day. Will be seeing them all on Sunday for Father's Day Brunch at our house.


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