Saturday, April 10, 2010

Geneva and Barbara (J.) M. April 10, 2010

I spent the day with my friend from High School, Barbara. We met early in the day and then went "shopping" at most of the stores in the area. We hit quiet a few of them in a short time. We were looking for antique-ey stuff...... Okay, old stuff that we could afford.

We stopped for lunch at the Gratto in Geneva. After a long lunch and a lot of talking we made a few more stops and then it was time to hit the road for home. It has been way tooo many years since we last saw each other. I hope that it will not be that many years for our next visit together.
The Court House
The High Hat Store, which used to be a church.
Another stained glass window inside the store.
Us two shopping.
Outside the Geneva Chamber of Commerce.


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