Saturday, April 03, 2010

GOOD FRIDAY- Egg coloring- Potato Pancakes-Fun

****Good Friday we started off with going to see Sleeping Beauty at the Marriot's Linconlshire Theater. Then we had lunch before going home to color Easter Eggs.

These are the tickets that we had for the show.

This is Maddie's interpretation of Sleeping Beauty her way.

The start of having fun. Dip your nos in Vaseline then try to stick a cottonball to your nose. Run to the plate on the other end and have it drop off of your nose. Who had the most balls in one minute WINS.

Four large frying pans going for the potato pancakes. Feeding on the run.

The best ones are straight from the frying pan. How many potatoes were peeled??? Ask Andy and Steve? Then Suzia and Ela. Yes we had that many peelers. Of course we had to feed 16 people.

Eat and run, was the motto for the evening.

Babcia game of penny toss.

I am having so much fun with all my cousins here.

Lily getting snuggles by her daddy. She was his shadow all evening, till mommy got here from work.

Enjoying the warm weather.

Giving a little help to our egg coloring helpers.

Life through ROSE colored glasses.

Not so rosy from my point of view. humppp...

Andy giving Lauren a hand in handling the electric cruisers. Yes Andy made sure they had their helmets on every time they went on them.

Will this color show up when I color on the eggs, Babcia?

Do not disturb us, we are very intent on getting this correct.


My design will be the best...

All those hands getting those eggs in the coloring cups.

This looks like a very pretty crown on your egg Lauren.

Everybody wants to get in on the act of coloring eggs.

Do you think this will be a surprise for daddy and will he like this one the best????

Okay, time for a brew and a minute of quietness.......

Did you have fun or NOT???? Tell me....

Happy Easter to all and hope that the Bunny will bring you lots of goodies in your baskets.

Smacznego Jajka i Morkrego Dyngusa.


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