Wednesday, April 07, 2010

UPDATED Stefan's Test Results 4-7-2010

We went for the 6month check-up. The results were good, his counts are good not great but the oncologist, she was happy with them. His RBC is at 4.05 Normal is anywhere from 4.20 to 5.80. Low but okay....... His WBC is at 5.6 normal is 3.5 to 10.5 His hemoglobin is at 14.3, normal is 13.0 to 17.5, Hematocrit is at 41.6 normal is 38.0 to 50.0,...... His platelets are really taking a long time to get UP, they are at 148, normal is anywhere between 140 to 390. Sometimes they never make it up to the counts higher, but she said that it is OK with her. His cholesterol was also great, he is at 146. I forgot what his HDL and LDL were at this moment. But they must have been also ok, we would have heard about it from her on this topic if they were not.

So until next time sometime in October or even November will be his next check-up. He is still at every 6-7 months , till he reaches the five year mark after his stem cell transplant.
It has been 4 years this past January that he had the transplant. So tell US about how time flies and we can tell you what it is like to wait for your results. I know everybody HAS a STORY of their own to tell. You are always in our thoughts as we hope that we are in yours. We try to live One Day At A Time now.

So till next tie stay healthy and happy. Take care of yourselves.


Blogger Rich and Mary Fedorowicz said...

Great to hear Stefan's test results were good.

4/09/2010 11:03 AM  

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