Monday, September 14, 2009

Babcia Hela's 9 great grandchildren

Well, we all got together at Diane and Bruno's again, so the opportunity came up to take a picture of all 9 great grandchildren.

Payton was visiting from Florida, so Diane invited us all over to spend some time with the little cutie! We had a great time - great food, great weather, and great company.

Enjoy the pictures - I'm sure Daniella will post some more from her camera!

Here's Bruno and Diane with their three grandchildren: Alex, Payton and Lauren.

This are also the three great grandchildren of Mieciu and Stella.

Left to right, as you see their heads: Alex, Stevie K, Lauren, Maddie, Ela, Payton, Babcia Hela, Stevie M, Julia, and Lily. All 9 little ducks in a row!

Same cuties, just without Babcia Hela in this shot.


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