Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day- Cruising on the Harley & Park Fun 2009

Before we left the house.
At the park with Maddie.

Stefan giving directions/information as to "how to do this or that" to Stef.

Mmmmmm delicious ice cream.
Good to the last lick.

Okay mommy I made it to the top also.

Babcia look I am on the chains.

Making "sand angels".

The finished castle in the park.

Stevie is getting pretty good at swinging the bat at the ball.

Castle in progress.

At the stop light, I clicked this one.

Stefan even gave Stef a quick ride around the neighborhood on his Harley.

Getting ready to leave Stef's house.

One quick pose before we took off for the way home.

Stefan finally got me to get on his Harley and we drove around town all day today. We were invited for lunch to Stef and Karen's house.
While Stefan and Stef talked about yard work, Karen and myself took the kids to the park for about an hour and a half. Stopped to get some ice-cream and then played in the yard for awhile.

Afterwards we drove around town and stopped at Diane's parents house in WoodDale before heading for home.

Enjoyed a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.
As I post this, Suzia tells me that they are near Milwaukee, Wisc on their way home. They spent the weekend up north at their Lakehouse.
Hope YOU ALL also had a great weekend.


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