Monday, September 07, 2009

Cosley Zoo, Chucky Cheese, Playground Sat 2009

Diane met me at Stef's house with her twin grandkids, Lauren and Alex. Then we went to the Cosley Zoo.

On Saturday morning Diane and her twin grandkids met at Stef's house. We went to the Cosley Zoo.
This is looking at the snakes that are slithereing around in there.

A quick stop to have lollipops.
Big birds nest for them to play in.

A stop at Chucky Cheese's and Lauren is in control of this game.

One more basket and I get 20 more tickets.

Climbing to the top of this "thing".,, oops I forgot their names the babies etc...

Finish that Pizza and then we play some more.

Alex is really involved in this game.

A simulated roller coaster ride has Maddie & Stevie enjoying themselves.

Dziadzia stopped after his golf game to be with us all for a few hours, and of course to have a slice of Pizza also.

After Chucky Cheese's we went to Madison Meadows playground, and OF COURSE the ice cream man comes to the parks. Diane is treating them for ice cream of their choice.

Holding with one hand is not so easy.

Diane helps out Alex as he tries his hand on this ride.

A real orange makes a great ball thrower and catcher.

Everybody together on the slide now.

Who can stand the longest and not fall off of this balance beam???

Lily is going to tak eus ALL on.

Stevie is going to the OTHER side to help Lily out.

Alex needs to help out also.

Hey Look what I can do here.

Swinging is still the best when someone pushes you.


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