Friday, August 14, 2009

Seeing DOWNTOWN Chicago with

When we got home Stevie was still trying to master the skateboard that he received for his Birthday on Sunday. Maddie has gotten pretty good on the bicycle with no training wheels.
Since Maddie, Stevie and Lily spent the night on Tuesday,
on Wednesday morning I decided to go for a subway ride with Maddie, Stevie & Lily. We left around 9:30am and returned around 3:00pm. We left our van at the Cumberland station and then we took the subway all the way downtown. It was a special treat for the kids, since Maddie kept saying she has never been downtown. We always "see the tall buildings" from a distance on the way to their home and back to my home on the highway 294. The kids enjoyed the ride, we got to see the Thompson building from the inside and outside. A tall building is any building that has more than 10 floors "Maddie''s explanation. We got to see many TALL buildings and had lunch on the Riverwalk. Then we got back on the "L" and drove all the way to the Ohare Airport. Why?.... you ask, just because. We wanted to see airplaces up close and then planes taking off and landing. We rode around the little tram car that goes around all the terminals three times. This way we did not miss seeing a plane go up or come down. A fun day enjoyed by all.


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