Monday, August 03, 2009

Upper Penninsula, Michigan

Having fun on the pier.
Relaxin fon Wujek Koy's lap.

Helping with breakfast.
Ela making a S'more.
Building the stairs to get into the house.
View from inside the house.
Stef and Maddie, showing off their sleeping quarters.
Dressed up for the nightly visitors, the Mosquitoes.

It's my turn again to "Do the dishes".

The eating table for 12.
Dziadzia taking out the girls for look on the lake.

Queen for the day!
Starting a fire with a large magnifying lens. (babcia got daddy's ok to show him how.)

Princess for the day.

Another beautiful princess.

Lounging on "the island".

Let's get out of the weeds first......

Smile, we are having fun.

Helping daddy on the jet ski.

An evening of fun inside the house.

Thank you and Thank you again to Suzia and Koy for opening up their wonderful place for us all to come and stay and be together.
What a wonderful place to visit. Suzia and Koy's home (Lakehouse) will be a great place to visit and relax, once it is done.

All 12 of us stayed at the house, it was more of a glorified camping trip. This time while we were at the Lakehouse it had indoor water. (Cold, from the well, but we had water indoors). There was electricity and a LOT of connnection cords running around the house. The main outlets and plugs have not been installed yet. Cooking on the camp stove with 2 burners was more of a challenge this time, since it was cooking for 12 now.

Stef, Karen, Maddie, Stevie and Lily enjoyed the week away from IT ALL. There was tubing, water skiing (Karen was the only one that made it up on the skis). There was blueberry picking, making pierogi with them, walking the dogs, making flower crowns to wear, shushing the mosquitoes away, playing in the sand, catching minnows or crayfish in the water, & hiding in the house, (well there were no walls up yet, so there was not a lot of places to hide).
There was a row boat, an island to lounge around in, jet ski, motor boat, water skiis, inner tubes, and of course we did have cool weather.

We had 3 meals a day, Suzia and myself would go into town and get groceries every 3rd day and stock up. There was no shortage of anything up there to be had. Stef/Karen brought some nice games to be played by all. We had bon fires in the evenings most every night. Stef is definetely a firebug. He loved starting the fires and keeping it ing all evening. So a lot of the clothes upon our return really smelled of the smoke. Smores were enjoyed as well as a lot of fireworks. We did have quite an event that happened. One of the fireworks fell upon its first shooting and then started to shoot all over the place. We all took cover FAST. No accidents, no one got hurt, but we sure did move fast. Next time more precautions were taken. Daylight was usually around till about 9pm. By 11pm I think everybody just fell right to sleep, with the busy schedule of things we did and the fresh airup north. Koy was the first one up every day, as were the dogs, then I was next and then one by one they smelled "the bacon cooking" (or pancakes, or french toast or onions )and that got them up.

Sleeping arrangements were perfect, some in tents inside the house and on sleeping bags, some on airbeds on the floor and some had single beds and foam mattress. Suzia even had a crib for Lily to sleep in also. All kids helped out with the chores in the house. Some helped cooking, washing dishes, cleaning off the table, setting the table.
After Stef & Karen left, Suzia's friend Renee, Justin, Devan, Hannah, Isabelle and Michael a total of 6 came up for a few days. Those days were cold and rainy, but the water skiing did not stop, WHY, you get wet anyways, Right? Koy looked funny in his raingear motoring the boat and kids water tubing behind him. On the shore we stood and filmed under umbrellas and sweatshirts. Renee picked a lot of blueberries to take home also.
Koy & Stefan left around noon on Sunday. Renee and family left around 4pm. Then Suzia, Ela, Julia Stevie and myself were alone till the next day around 1pm. We had karoake night and we did some funny things, all of it taped for future laughs and memories.

Koy's extended family members came for a few days to visit and Koy's mom too: Mike, Kelley, Hanna, Faith and Luke enjoyed the water. Although the motor toys were gone by now, we still enjoyed seeing them and having shared a meal or two and then fun in the water for the day. Tuesday was cleanup day for Suzia and myself. We got the lakehouse cleaned up for lockdown for the summer. Electricity off, check, water off, check, garbage out, check, doors and windows locked, check, all outdoor furniture put away, check. All said and done we had a great time. Hope to do this again next year.
More pictures in the next posting coming up soon.


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