Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back from VACATION Thursday 1AM

Got in last night around midnight. Will update news on the trip soon. LOTS of pictures to see. Had a great time. All 12 of us enjoyed our fun-time bonding as a family. More family and friends joined us at Suzia and Koy's lakehouse up north in the Upper Penninsula.


Blogger Rich and Mary Fedorowicz said...

Welcome back. Hope you had a great vacation. Missed you for the past 2-weeks.

7/30/2009 8:54 PM  
Blogger Daniella said...

I got "that" from the emails I received. Since I did not tell or "write about it" before I left for vacation. Nice to know I was missed. Thanks

8/03/2009 7:19 PM  

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