Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Last full day before SCHOOL 2009

I went with the grandkids and Suzia & Karen to the Elmhurst Art Museum.... Well let's just say we are NOT Art appreciators. We got thru the whole museum in about 15 minutes. I guess a better place would be for the kids to be able to TOUCH this and TOUCH that, oh well. (I am sure glad that we came on a day that was free also and not have to pay to have done this quick thing). It was some exposure to some culture anyways. After the Museum we went to a park and the kids enjoyed themselves a lot more here. I brought along the electric scooters that we have and the regular scooter. Most of the kids took their turn riding around the park. The weather was great also. We munched on Kabanosy and snacks and juices. Time to go home around 4pm. Stef & Karen have their final Billiards tournament for the summer session tonight. (Hope they win). Maddie, Stevie & Lily will be spending the evening with us tonight.


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