Monday, August 17, 2009

Port Washington, Wisc Sun 8-16-09

There was a Maritime Festival in Port Washington, Wisconsin this weekend. Suzia, Koy, Ela, Julia, Stevie, Stefan and myself we all drove to go and enjoy the festival and the sights of the Tall Ships. The weather, we just lucked out, it drizzled on the way there and it rained on the way back home. While we wer there it was just foggy and cloudy and a little cooler than we expected it to be that day. All in all we had a great time. We got to "board" the Madeline ship. We got to take a closer look at all the ropes and sails and wheels and etc. Koy wore his protective gear in the van, I guess my driving has him concerned. No, that is not right, it is just for his protection that he wears that neck brace for a few more weeks after surgery. We packed a lunch for us all and enjoyed it on the deck while overlooking the tall ships.

Hey, that Pirate is going to cut my ears off.....
That's one heck of a big ship.
I AM the Captain.

Hey do you see that? WOW.

As the Captain, what I say , goes..... so go there???

Koy at the helm of the Madeline

Stevie learning map reading
Koy relaxing, while we do the searching for the hidden geo-caching.
Suzia playing the "air xylophone" with her shoes.

Ela enjoying a birds eye view.


Now what did the co ordinates say 30 feet south or was that 40 feet???

Dziadzia with his eagle eyes found this container and Suzia opened it up.

Climbing back up , from the find.
What a beautiful view from up hear at the Upper Lake Park.

Taking in the sights.

At the playground.

Ela & Julia making music together.

Okay , you big boys, play nice and share.

Suzia and Koy do some Geocaching whenever they get a chance. Well we went on some hunts while we were up in Wisconsin. This was Stefans' and mine first search. Well Stefan found it, and we signed our names inside on the booklet provided. Maybe, I think we are hooked on this game now. We also stopped at this huge playground in the Upper Lake Park, around Port Washington. As you can see the "kids" had fun.
We stopped at Pizza Hut on the way home and that was our full day today.


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