Saturday, April 25, 2009

Science Project-Julia's 4-23-09

Julia had a Science Project, it was titled What Glows Under a Black Light? She did a good job researching the items.
Can you name some of the items that YOU think would GLOW?
Julia next to her display.
Showing mama the items that glow.
Daddy look, this $10.00 paper bill glows.
Maddie was amazed at the effect DRY ICE has on a flower in seconds. It withered and dried up.

Hey magnets are cool, said Maddie. Stevie is more interested what these connections do when they are touched????

Aha, now I see, it makes this little light bulb , light up, when these wires are connected.
Look, this glows in there also.
Everybody had something to see of interest tonight.

After having dinner at Suzia's house ( all 11 of us, Karen was working) we had a wonderful evening at this Science Fair at Julia's school.


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