Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun Weekend 9-27-28-08

Suzia drove to Wisconsin to visit her friend Renee. Koy was helping his friend Phil, Stef was painting his Halloween decorations and Karen spent the day with me and 6 grandkids. It was also World Wide Play Day, we went to the Park District for fun. Ela on the Big Slide

Julia in the pool ball at the bottom of the slide.
Stevie getting in line to go again on this slide.
Stefan checking out his bike before his trip with friend Andy B.
Stevie K. in line after the grape spitting contest.
Some guy that we met doing his barrel rolling time.
Craft time, before they got really messy.
The other side of the craft table.

Karen and Lily pose in front of the pumpkins.
Hey horsey, look at us.
Ela with her choice of a pumpkin.
Stevie & Maddie still looking around for the BEST ONE.

Hey what are these things to climb on , on this farm??
A group picture on the horse buggy.
Lily reaching for the rope to sound the bell.
Maddie spearing her marshmellow for the s'mores.
You have to cook the s'more just enough for it to melt and then mmmmmmmm.
Ela has her s'more all cooked and ready to eat, Ciocia Karen is helping her take it off the stick.

We went to the Lynfred Winery in Roselle for Oktoberfest. They had barrel rolling contests as well as grape spitting Stevie K. did not make it to the semi-finals. ( guess he does not spit far enough) and grape stomping. Also coloring (everything and their clothes) and making decorations with corks. Great food also. Roasted corn and typical German foods, and of course the wines.

After all this activity, Karen in her van and I in mine drove to Glenview for a big Bonfire at the Wagner Farms. There we made smores in the campfire, and we got to visit the animals on the farm. There were things to pull like the big bell by the farmhouse, swing on the very long swing on the tree, pick out a pumpkin see things in the barns like the horses and cows and goats and kittens.

We got home by 8pm and everybody was tired out and ready to go to sleep.


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