Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big kids playing 9-20-08

We had a great time visiting with our niece Janette and her daughter Payton. Everybody helped out with the dinner, bringing foodstuff to eat. The turkey just FELL apart when I took it off of the grill. Stefan had put together"the table" for us all (18) to sit at for dinner. Dinner was done in no time so we could get to playing around. The big kids had so much fun.

Suzia parked her van on the driveway? I think she missed the road as Stefan looks on. Did I teach her how to drive or who did? Only kidding she made room for the kids to play on the driveway.
Suzia showing what she could "do" with her glowstick.
What,... I could have fun too, ha ha .
Hey Ma, look at me, I have 2 red glowsticks, take a picture of me, now.
See what they look like when you shut the flash off.

But, Wujek Stefan I want to hold the kitty, please it is my turn NOW.
Bogdan playing in the sandbox, and not giving Maddie any room to play in it.
Janette trying out the swing.

Karen does her best on riding the tricycle. Diane helping Payton on the swing, as she gets to sit on it also, not to look too conspicious, while she is having fun.

OOPS these are NOT the kids I wanted to show you, but these BIG KIDS enjoyed themselves also . See next note for the real kids having fun.


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