Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend of Aug 16- 2008 BBQ at Jerry & Anne's

Lily on the pontoon boat at Jerry & Ann's place.
Our lovely hostess for the BBQ, Ann.
Hi there I am Suzia.

Building with the big kids, Lily can keep up just fine .
This is US all, the photographer is Babcia of course, so she is not in this picture.
Stef taking out a crew of ladies on the lake for fun.
Stef, Karen, Maddie, Stevie & Lily on the paddle boat.

Julia & Stevie waiting their turn to "drive" the boat.
Maddie taking a practice run on a kayak in the Museum still.
Lily loves playing house, and this was the perfect size for to play with.
Stand still and we can have a big soap bubble around us, when I pull this rope.

The big spider mesh, jungle gym.
Hey Stevie, come here try moving this knob around here.
The closed-in circular staircase to go upstairs in the Museum.
Where does this tube lead to? Let's see, this goes right then it goes left and takes a turn...........
Seeing oneself on a TV monitor makes you do silly things.

Steve trying the bicycle, to hit the bell on top.

On Saturday I went with the kids and grandkids to Rockford. We went to the Discovery Center there, it is a childrens museum. Spent most of the morning there and then we went to Jerry and Anne's summerhouse in Lake Summerset for a BBQ.
We had a great time as did the kids in the water and out. We went swimming off of the pontoon boat. The water was not too cold, but a little chilly. Lily even enjoyed being in a lifejacket and in the water that was 26 feet deep. I did bring 6 beach towels, Suzia and myself did not really prepare to go into the water or we would have put on our swimsuits, but in we went anyways. Clothes and all and we had a ball. Stef had a little mishap off the ladder and cut his foot a little bit. Karen swims like a fish, as does Suzia. Maddie and Julia take to the water no matter where or how cold it is. I cannot float neither can Stef, Lily fell asleep on the way back, being held in a warm jacket for the ride home. Stefan and Anne and Patricia just enjoyed the view from the pontoon. Jerry lets the kids steer the pontoon, like drive it around with is help.
I reallly appreciate that Jerry and Anne invite us and we have so much fun at their place.
Till next time that we come to visit.
P.S. The remodeling that Jerry and Anne have done on their house is just wonderful. Beautiful inside now.


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