Monday, May 09, 2011

Mothers Day and 2 Birthday Celebrations May 2011

We had a wonderful celebration for Mother's day. I had made lunch for everybody that came. We had BBQ Ribs and Au Gratin potatoes and a delicious cake that was for the 2 Birthdays that we celebrated also. Since Stef's 33rd Birthday was on May 7, on Friday and Stefan's 62nd will be on Wednesday May 11, we had a day of triple things to celebrate on Sunday.
Joining in our partying was the whole family us 11 (missing Koy, he was at HIS mom's) Stefan's mom and brother Bogdan, my mom and my brother Daniel and Stefan's brother Bruno and Diane as well as Heniek and Teresa came over also.
Stefan's friend Andy B. dropped by on his motorcycle to share in this celebration of his birthday.

The only thing that soured the party a little bit was that Maddie was still not feeling good. She had gotten the stomach flu bug (?) on Thursday late afternoon. But by Sunday morning Karen and Stevie were not feeling the greatest either. Karen Stef and family left to go home early in the afternoon. We just managed to have the candles blown out and the cake cut. By late Sunday evening, Stevie and Karen for sure had gotten the stomach flu also.

Also found out that by late evening Julia had gotten the BUG also. Stevie K. came in feeling a little queasy himself, but no other signs of stomach flu, here.

I hope that all who are feeling this BUG get to feel better QUICK.

But it was nice to get to see the family together.


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