Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Friday Coloring of Eggs 2011

After returning from Easter mass, Stefan and myself had a breakfast to our selves. Then at noon time came my mother in law Hela and my brother in law Bogdan. Also my kids and their kids that makes 14 of us together. My mom as I told you earlier went to the E.R. and my brother Daniel was with her for the morning. (He did come over to have a bite and then both of us went back to stay with her).

Brunch was a nice Pit Ham, not spiral sliced, Bogdan did the carving when the Ham came out of the oven. With a mixture of a lot of vegetables we enjoyed the meal.
Ham, double baked potatoes, string beans, brussel sprouts, Quiche with broccoli and bacon, French Toast, Beet soup and Paszteciki and of course the hard boiled -colored eggs. We took a lot of time and effort in decorating them on Friday. So it was nice to be able to share them with all at the table.

Pictures are from Good Friday coloring of eggs and dinner was Potato Pancake and Fish sticks for 17. (Over 12 pounds of potatoes were peeled).
In attendance there was Myself, and my husband Stefan then Suzia, Koy, Ela, Gracie, Julia, Stevie, Stef, Karen, Maddie, Stevie, Lily, Andy, Belia, Lauren and Alex.

My son Stefan and myself.

Julia my second oldest grandaughter, helping in the kitchen.

Ela and her friend Gracie, decorating the front window with window paints.

Everybody got into the act of decorating the eggs. There were at least 8-10 dozen of eggs on that table to decorate. From just dipping in the colors to shrink wrapped ones and wrapped in rubber bands and stickers and onion skin painting. A lot of fingers got painted as they were dipped into the paint cups.
Maddie made a puzzle with a sharpie pen on her egg. Rubber bands were used to make lines on the eggs.
We even had a rainbow egg made by Gracie. (Ela's friend).

After coloring of the eggs we made houses from playing cards, who could set up and keep them up the longest.???? Then we played pictionary and charades. We had a lot of fun.


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