Friday, February 04, 2011

BLIZZARD of February 2, 2011

WELL WE MADE IT to number 3 position on the worst snowstorms in the Chicago area. (Not posted on this TV copy yet). We officially got over 20 inches measured at O'Hare Airport area.

We dug out the garage after working on the snow for about 3 1/2 hours of snowplowing and shoveling. We had snow drifts in front of the garage over five feet tall. My neighbors' basement windows were covered up to the top of them. The front of our driveway was also un-passable, it had snow drifts over five feet in some places and in some the driveway was visible down to the cement.

I think most of US spent the day at home or at least just outside of our houses to dig ourselves out or to have FUN. Snow forts and snow caves were built as were snow hills. Did anybody make a HUGE snowman? Inside of our garage (after we finally made it inside) the wind was so powerful that snow had blown inside and had covered Stefan's front of his Harley motorcycle with snow.


Blogger Rich and Mary Fedorowicz said...

Wow! Stefan can claim that he's a tougher man that most showing his Harley with snow after "taking a ride". The hardest part was digging and making my way to the gas meter to get it uncovered. The bush around it kind of protected it, but still there was a lot of snow on it.

2/05/2011 1:31 PM  

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