Tuesday, February 01, 2011

February 1, 2011 SNOWSTORM Predicted

They (the weather forecasters) are predicting a bigger snowstorm than the ONE that was in 1967 and 1979.

Well I remember both of them and the amount of snow and snow and snow. Today is starting to look like that now. The winds are blowing something fierce. The snow drifts in our driveway are already 5-6 inches high. The amount of snow predicted for today and tomorrow is 18-22 inches. Will keep an eye on that total.

Stay warm and safe and dry. I am sitting by the fireplace and enjoying the view from our window to the outside. Glad that I have whatever I think we will need for the next few days. Ooops Stefan still is not home and that is one thing I DO NEED. He should be making his way home in about an hour or so.


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