Saturday, June 05, 2010


The weather today was very hot and humid muggy. Our plan was to have fun today and FUN we had. Sorry to have not been able to share this day with Koy and Stefan. I am sure they are hard at work at the cabin making a lot of progress for our vacation up North soon.

We took a trip to the State Park, all of us except Stefan and Koy. (They were up North working on the cabin). We packed a lunch of sandwiches and a grill to make some hot dogs, Brats, etc. later on. We got there early in the morning, yet the parking lot was packing up quick. We did find two spots in the parking lot in the Main Lodge area. Our morning hikes consisted of a lot of stairs and trails. This was not a favorite of the kids, (which we found out later....) After the lunch on the grill, the kids got their second wind, especially Lily and off we went to see the other waterfalls and canyons. During our quick lunch break Maddie and Lily sure encountered a lot of daddy-long-leg spiders, which THEY did not care to meet.
Babcia carried some of the essentials that would be needed on this drinks, towels, snacks, apples, oranges, a knife, band aids, a few szmatki (washcloths) and my ever present trustee(?) camera. Suzia led the way with her puppy Copper, followed by the quick as lightning Lily, "Come on Mama",(Karen) then Ela, Julia, Maddie,Stevie K, Stevie M, Stef and on the caboose Babcia. This trip was fun and very dirty to say the least.
At one point Babcia was holding on to a branch to get to a lower level and the branch was NOT holding me. I almost fell into the mud, but survived. Suzia at one point was trying NOT to walk into the water but Copper dragged her in and she slipped on her butt. A casualty for the seat of her pants. Suzia's sandals leaked dark patches on her feet, (sure it will come off ha ha in a few months.) Karen's sandals were caked in mud, as were the shoes/sandals for all of us. Ela was a guardian angel for Lily quiet a few times, catching her just before......There also was a lot of... Hey Steve, catch Lily, or she would walk across the logs and then there was Julia catching a bullfrog with her hands, to keeping and taking it home and putting it in the bathtub.... Babcia do you have something I could put the frog in? Of course I said.....Then there was standing under the waterfalls which fun and cooled you off also. Stef made sure the path to the back of the waterfall was even and steady to walk on before the kids all joined him behind the falls.
Finding rocks that would crush so easy because they were sandstone. We did get bitten by some bugs a few times, but you are in the forest,....what did you expect.

After this long day we ended up at a Pizza place, because we were all hungry again. The trip home was very quiet as MOST of the occupants were fast asleep. We made it back home around 11pm. Safe and sound and tired.

We had so much fun this time that we plan on coming back here again.


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