Saturday, May 29, 2010

Well the day has come.....5-29-2010

We are at the 40 year mark today. Stefan and I have been husband and wife for that many years...YIKES where did the time go? I don't remember being HERE/THERE for that many years? Some days stand out and some I wish would not. But there are many more that I wish we could relive. No regrets, but I would love to relive those really really happy days that we have spent with family and friends. Some of those days is/are what make a memory for me.
What comes to mind of hand.......
Our Wedding day, Our first Anniversary, Stefan leaving for the Army (not a good one, but it stands out) Our move to Colorado, Suzia being born there,our move back home, Stef being born, our vacations yearly with family and friends,Our first home in Park Ridge, our monthly get togethers, Christmas parties, Suzia's marriage to Koy (I had such a blast) Our first grandchild !!! Ela being born, Julia arriving in December before one of our Christmas Party's..,Suzia and Koy tackle remodeling their house,...Stevie being born,Stefan's hospital stay for his heart 5-bypass, Stef getting married to Karen, Maddie being born,Stevie being born our First and only Maca to carry on the name (so far) that makes for FOUR Stefan's in this family..then more hospital visits for the Leukemia, long stays this time getting out and in remission,Harley Davison, and of course our little Lily, does that complete our history...not by a long shot...There are plenty more pages that have been filled with happiness we both have shared on this journey called marriage.

I just thought I would drag you down our "memory lane" for a quick visit with me. I am sure each and every one reading this has their own "memory lane" they would love to re-visit or relive. I wish you all a Happy Memorial Day and make memories, this is what you can look back on and Thank God for a beautiful life.


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