Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ELA GOT...!!!

On Wednesday, May 12th, Ela finally joined the millions of teenagers in the much-anticipated, status-setting, pain-inducing, smile-enhancing adventure... She got her orthodontic braces!

Ela has been anxiously awaiting this day, from the first visit to the orthodontist, where she was fitted for (palate) expanders (the first step to getting braces, since her jaw was too small to accommadate her permanent teeth).

Kids today can choose the color of their bands, unlike the "old" days when I had braces, where they were just standard gray bands! Ela chose neon pink and royal blue bands for her first go round. She only got braces on her upper teeth, and she will need those for about 30 months. She will get braces on her lower teeth in about a year.

Yay for Ela, with her new "jewelry"!

Here is her smile before braces...

Here is Ela getting the braces cemented on.

And here is Ela's new sparkly smile!

Oh, and just to add one more thing... Ela (has almost) got straight A's this trimester. If she gets all A's this period, then she will have gotten STRAIGHT A'S ALL YEAR LONG!!! YAY, ELA!!!


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