Monday, May 03, 2010

KITE DAY Sat 5-1-2010

There was a Kite Festival near Stef and Karen's home. Before Julia's baseball game we stopped to enjoy some of the fun things at this park.
The Fire Department was out there, and you were able to get a look from the top of the cherry picker. Also a lot of trucks to TOUCH. The playground was of course the DRAW for Lily and the other little guys around. The weather was perfect for Kite Flying Day. Stef had 6 kites up in the air at one time. By the time I got there with Julia and Steve they had taken some down already. But Stef did help Stevie get one up for a fly around. We had snacks and then it was time to go to Stevie's baseball game. Karen had taken Julia to her game. Had a great day seeing the grandkids and having fun with them.


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