Saturday, February 06, 2010

Wishing for warmer weather

GrandKids wanted to do "warm things". So of course having a luau dinner was fine with us. We planned for this dinner and the kids made decorations. The evening finally came and the party was a lot of fun.
As you can see Babcia even had two water pools out for the kids to use inside next to the fireplace. Where else would you put one inside, this kept the kids warm when they got out of the pool.
The Limbo contest was a lot of fun and back breaking for us "older ones". Dancing the Hula was more up my alley. The temperature in the house reached a high of 78 degrees. It was so balmy that we had the fans going to get the effect of an island breeze.
Koy had made the island tropical drinks to keep "cool".
We celebrated Babcia Stella's 78th Birthday at our house. (Dana's mom)

Can you find OUR names on this list of names in Hawaiian?

The sign says, "Welcome to the Maca-Poli-Hawi dinner party.

E como Mai, means welcome.

Some of the decorations that were found their way on the walls.

Welcome sign "To Happy Hawaii Day".

The light poles, became Palm Trees for the evening.

Stef getting a nible of off Lily's foot.

Entrance to Our TIKI HUT, downstairs.

Dinner was BBQ Ribs, Orange Roughy, Shrimp
and other island delicasies.

Lily is all ready in her bathing suit to go swimming.

AAAHHHH the water is so warm.

Dana trying her Luck on the LIMBO stick Dance.

Poolside chair , Karen and Lily.

Enjoying a treat from the PO PO PLATTER, that Dana provided.

Koy making delicious Strawberry Daquiris and Margarhitas.

Ela and her version of the Hula Dance.

Babcia and Maddie doing the Hula on stage.

This is Paradise.

See the pool full of sea creatures?

Ela ruled the Limbo contest.

Stef tries his back if it still bends that far back.

Karen almost made it under the whole way.

Maddie has no problem getting under the stick.

Sto Lat, Sto Lat, Babcia Stella.

Who gets the first slice??

Getting together is so much fun with a theme to boot.

Ela and Julia cuddle with Ciocia Dana.

Good Night Aloha for tonight.


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