Saturday, January 23, 2010

Julia's First CONCERT Jan 20, 2010

Julia plays in the percussion section. This night she was on the Xylophone (?)Standing on the far left in this first picture.
It was great to get to see how the kids have begun their lessons on their instruments. It will be much nicer to hear them in a few months and see the progression of their progress.
The evening started with dinner at Suzia and Koy's home and then off to the concert.
The whole family of us 12 (Babcia, Dziadzia, Mommy Suzia, Daddy Koy, sister Ela, brother Stevie, Wujek Stef, Ciocia Karen, cousins Maddie, Stevie and Lily) came out to hear Julia play. Maddie, Stevie and Lily enjoyed sitting on the first row to see and hear Julia. Ela could not picture her first concert THIS way. But we assured Ela that HER first concert sounded the SAME way.

The evening after the concert there was an ice storm, and the drive home was very tricky to say the least. But we all got home safe and sound.


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