Monday, February 15, 2010

Sheddd Aquarium 2-15-2010

After our day at the Bowl a Thon we decided to go to the Aquarium downtown Chicago.

Getting a close-up look at the new baby Beluga Whale just born in December.

A real close look at the fish.

Cool cave.

Julia is mesmerized by the fish in the tank.

Ela is just as interested.

My four guests with me today.
Mia, Ela, Julia and Stevie.

BFF Best friends forever,

Ela and Mia.

Stevie found this fish kind of cool, it was a brain fish, why??? the head had a big lump where the brain would be.... oh duh....

Getting a look from the outside of the building.

Did you like the fish inside???? This is how they looked to ME.


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