Sunday, November 08, 2009

60 Years of Polish Scouts 1949-2009

On the dance floor, Suzia and Kasia and friends.
Kasia, Anne & Peter. Stas Maciejewski, Tony Dobrzanski and Stefan Maca.
Suzia Koivun and Wiesia Pluskwa.
Stefan, Daniella, Tony, Sabina and Bruno.

Zwiazek Harcerstwa celebrated their 60 years this past Saturday with a Dinner Dance at White Eagle/Przybylo's. There were over 500 people in attendace at this wonderful occasion.
Although I personally did not attend Scouting, my kids, Suzia and Stef did for years. I got to know a lot of the people connected with the Polish Scouts.
Through the years and through all the fun things that my kids got to do, I also have a lot of memories of these times.

A few pictures of this past evening for you to enjoy. At our table we were also joined by Bruno & Diane Maca, Marysia & Danek Sokolowski, Halina & Andy Bury, Bozenna & Andy Haszlakiewicz.
It was nice to get to see some faces from the past. Tony Dobrzanski or as we knew him back then Tarzan and his wife Sabina, Chris Jasinski and her sister Donna Woszczak.
There was a short program for this occasion and then the social time was the rest of the evening. Dinner and Dancing was enjoyed by us all.


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