Sunday, September 27, 2009

PICTURES Patio work is DONE Sun 2009

Work on Stef & Karen's patio was started some time ago. At least the plans were started. The work started Saturday morning when the gravel was delivered in the backyard. Then we had all kinds of helpers doing the digging and putting it in the wheelbarrels.
Stef, Karen, Maddie, Stevie, Lily, Suzia, Koy, Ela, Julia, Stevie, Daniel, Stefan, Daniella, all worked on this project on Saturday and Sunday.
We had 2 loads of gravel delivered and a big load of sand. We ran out of sand, so trips were made to Home Depot for more. Also rented was the machine that tampens the gravel and the sand. Also a brick cuting machine. Many shovels of gravel, sand and plenty of bricks later,......the PATIO was done. The weather co-operated beautifully both days. I did my part of trying to keep all 6 grandkids entertained and out of the way..(most of the time).
Between all those minds working on the design and the lay-out it came out perfect. P.S the pictures are in reverse order, Sorry about that. The bottom starts with the start of the day.

Sweeping the sand into the cracks.

Finished product.
Marking the bricks that need to be cut to fit on the edges.
A quick pose from some of the workers, Koy, Stef and Suzia.
Do we need anything else to be picked up???
Lay that line straight, or else it will go crooked.
Going stir crazy, or should I say spot crazy.
No they do NOT have the chickenpox, just spots.
It's getting dark on saturday evening, let's wrap this up for the day.
Okay I am going to start to first line of bricks.

The sketches made for the project.

Daniel takes a rest in between loads of sand and gravel.
One more load of this sand and that should do it.

Notice the tongue is in action also.
First layer of gravel.
This is what the backyard looked like before anything was put down.
Muddy backyard.
Hey is this board level?
Stevie gets a chance to work the tamper machine.
Dumping a layer of gravel.
So Steve, will this sketch work for you guys??
Okay, let's all help and put some gravel into this wheelbarrow.
Take it from anywhere on this hill.
Dig deep, now.
Suzia and Daniel loading up the wheelbarrels.

P.S. Karen started out the morning on Saturday by going for a walk a thon 3 miles from Loyola. Then she came home and helped out on her patio project.


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