Friday, September 25, 2009

Hope that the weather will co-operate on 9-26-09

We will be helping out Stef & Karen with them building a brick patio in their backyard. I will be watching the 6 grandkids and try to keep them out of the hair of the people THAT are working on this project. Suzia & Koy and EJS will arrive at 8am as will Stefan and myself. My brother Daniel will probably come along for a few hours to help out also. Stef has been preparing the outside for the work that will be done on Saturday. The gravel for underneath all of this will be delivered around 8-9am. on Saturday . Then comes the part of trucking and moving all this gravel to the backyard. Then compacting it with a "tamper machine". Then comes the sand, bricks and etc. A backbreaking project to be done as quickly as weather allows it to finished. Will keep you posted with pictures of before and after.
Say a little prayer for sunshine or at least NO Rain.

Karen is doing a Heart Walkathon from her work, Loyola in the morning from 7:30am till 11:00am. So I will try to keep Maddie, Stevie and Lily entertained as well as Ela, Julia & Stevie.


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