Thursday, May 21, 2009

We have a new puppy dog

His name is Copper, he's 9months old (approximately), and he's a German shepherd mix. Don't know what the mix is... the vet at the shelter (Helping Paws, Woodstock, IL) guessed husky, Rottweiler, Doberman, or tri-color collie. Anything but a purebred! His coloring is more like a Rott or Doberman - because he really doesn't look like a typical German shepherd.

I picked him up on Wednesday because it would have been too hard to have him come for dinner with all those people at Mama's house on Tuesday night. He's settling in just fine here with the Koivun family. Koko is a bit jealous now, and she follows me around... which she's rarely done before. I think Copper has attached himself to me, because he prefers to follow me than Jon. The kids confuse him a bit still, because they're saying so many things at once, and he's still trying to learn basic commands.

He seems to be fairly housebroken, with a few excited accidents, so we're working on going outside every half hour to do business. He knows Sit, which is nice, especially when I need to put the leash on to go out!

Here's some pictures of Copper! Come by for a visit some time!


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