Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Arizona Guests for dinner 5-19-09

Tuesday for dinner at our house we had 21 for sit down dinner. Stefan's sister Krys and her husband Stan came in for a few days of visiting. Suzia and Koy and their kids Ela, Julia and Stevie, then Stef and Karen and their kids Maddie, Stevie and Lily, Diane, Bruno, Michelle and her kids Alex and Lauren, Stefan's mom Hela and Stefan's brother Bogdan, Krys Stan Daniella and Stefan. We had meatballs that were requested by Krys. ( I make mine with spinach and a lot of veggies inside) not visible to the eyes (kids don't read this). The weather was nice and warm, so soup for the kids was outside on the blanket and then inside for dinner. After dinner we were outside blowing bubbles, sliding on the slides and swings in back, riding scooters, bicycles, motorized hot wheels, having fun. We got all this IN before 8pm. Then the crowd had to get going, school and work the next day. Krys & Stan and visited some more with us till midnight. We looked at old pictures, talked some more and just enjoyed each others company.

Nice and quiet before the family gathers here tonight.
It is so nice and warm, let's eat the soup outside on the blanket, no problem said Babcia.
Mama, I love you
Michelle and Suzia.
Some of the food that was on the lazy susan.
A quick look at the family at the table.
Karen, Maddie and Stef.
Ela, Koy, Stevie, Julia and Suzia.

Pra-Babcia Hela and 8 of her grandkids.

Can't stay here too long, take the picture.

Mama Hela and Stefan, Bruno, Bogdan and Krys.

Same group and added spouses, Daniella, Diane and Stan.

Things look different from my angle.

Babcia Hela and some of her grandkids.
(Lto R) Michelle, Suzia, Koy, Stef and Karen.

Michelle, Diane, Bruno and Alex & Lauren.

Thank you for visiting us Krys & Stan. It was so nice to get together with the family and to be able to visit with you all together.
Thanks for all your help during the evening everybody.
I will have the house ready for another get together by noon on Wednesday, any takers???
Just kidding.


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